The Art of Our Inner Power
"The Art of Our Inner Power" course is the first significant step in the comprehensive "Get Up & Talk" program.
After this part, we return home with a communication ability that will initially feel "supernatural".
This important skill upgrades us to an elaborate version of ourselves and can affect all areas of our life.
At this stage we will learn:
✔ How to release the basic Stage Fright that lies within each and every one of us.
✔ Identifying the secret component that makes people and companies more successful than others.
✔ How to present ourselves and our business in an unforgettable way.
We will return home with:
✔ Our own elevator speech. The same concise and meaningful explanation about us, our business or product that will make the biggest impact.
✔ The "inner-fire" ignition - we will connect to our deepest source of inner-motivation and power.
✔ Diagnosing our personal communicative DNA and the way to maximize it.